Safe Passage explains, “Through our expert legal work, we’ve helped dozens of families fleeing war and persecution reach safety and reunite with their loved ones.

“Just a few weeks back, we were overjoyed to witness the heartfelt reunion of two young siblings after years apart. 14-year-old Mehmad* and his brother were forced to flee Afghanistan after their whole family disappeared. Mehmad faced great danger in Iran, having been captured and tortured by the Taliban. His brother, now a refugee in the UK, reached out to us to bring Mehmad to safety.

“After an anguishing wait to get Mehmad out of the country, the two brothers were finally able to reunite. Mehmad is now enjoying spending time in his new home, surrounded by his brother, uncle and extended family, and counting down the days until he starts school and joins his local football club.

 All families should have the opportunity to spend this special day together. But the truth is so many refugees won’t be able to reunite with their loved ones this year because of the lack of safe routes and hostile immigration rules.”